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The two main parties were the Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs), a non-Marxist political party, and the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP), a Marxist political party. The RSDLP was itself split into two factions, the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks.

The names came about during the RSDLP Congress in Brussels in 1903. Lenin and his followers were the more radical members of the RSDLP, however they were in the minority. The more conservative majority members were angered at Lenin and some walked out in a protest. This walk-out gave Lenin a temporary majority and he quickly dubbed his followers Bolsheviks, meaning 'majorityites' even though they were actually the minority. The other RSDP members allowed themselves to be called Mensheviks, meaning minorityites even though they were in the majority.

Nihilists and Populists(Narodniks)
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Q: The main two revolutionary parties that first wanted to overthrow the Russian government before 1905 were the?
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What kind of government did Lenin initiate?

A communist system of government replaced the old, decadent, corrupt monarchy, after the Russian Revolution of 1917. Lenin created a socialist type of government, not a communist type of government. The government created by Lenin was just as repressive and autocratic as the monarchy that had been replaced. Dissent from Bolshevik/Communist doctrine or against the leaders of the Bolsheviks (meaning Lenin himself) was deemed counter-revolutionary and subjected the dissident to exile, imprisonment or death. All political parties, then existing as well as to be formed, except the Bolshevik/Communist Party were dispersed and outlawed. Lenin created the Bolshevik Party which seized governmental power from the Russian Provisional Government, which had been set up in place of Tsar Nicholas' II's rule. Then he created the first Russian republic called the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, which in 1926 became the Soviet Union. Once the Bolsheviks had all political power with no way for the people to change things, the government got just as corrupt as the Tsar's had been.

Was Alexander Kerensky of the 1917 Provisional government in Russia successful?

No, Alexander Kerensky was not successful. Kerensky and the Russian Provisional Government which he headed were overthrown by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution of 1917. Kerensky had failed to get Russia out of World War 1, failed to put an end to shortages of economic goods and failed to institute meaningful land reforms. All of these desires of the Russian people are what led to the February Revolution, the overthrow of the Czar and the creation of the Provisional Government in the first place. The main reason the Bolsheviks so easily seized control of the government from Kerensky was that he no longer had the support of the workers, soldiers or peasants of the country or of the various political parties that were trying to create a new permanent government. It has also been said that Kerensky had been undermined by various extreme socialist groups such as the Bolsheviks.

What were the goals of the Russian revolution?

The revolutionaries in Russia wanted to create a government where they were equally represented and wouldn't be ignored as in the governemtn run by the Tsars. They also wanted to get rid of the noble class that had abused them for so long. Social Equality and Economic Democracy

What was the effect of the October revolution?

The October revolution of 1917 followed on that year's February Revolution . In February, the revolution had led to the abdication of the Russian Tsar and to a Republic in which 'moderate' republican groups were the dominant parties. In October, the Communists - who had only been a minor force until then - profited from the fact that the new Russian Government had continued to fight the Germans, which led to continued economic chaos and growing unrest among the Russian army and Navy. The promise to get them out of the war got the army and Navy to side with the Communist, who then had no trouble overthrowing the existing Russian Government. The October Revolution then lead to Russia becoming a Communist State for well over the next 70 years.

What were the communist in russia called?

Before the Russian Revoultion they were called the Bolsheviks and after it was the Communist party of the Soviet Union. Today the main communist party is the Communist party of the Russian Federation which today is one of the largest political parties in the Russian Diet (Paraliment)

Related questions

What were the main two revolutionary parties that first wanted to overthrow the Russian government before 1905 were the?

The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks

The main two revolutionary parties that wanted to overthrow the Russian government in 1905 were?

The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were the two revolutionary parties that wanted to overthrow the government in 1905. One could also say the two parties were the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (RSDWP) and the Socialist Revolutionaries (also known as the SRs). In 1905, the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks still had not yet formally separated. They were two factions of the RSDWP. To be sure, as the first answer states, the two factions were seen almost as two separate and distinct parties but in 1905 they still only two factions in the same party.

What were Russian revolutionaries of the people?

Bolshaviks There were several revolutionary parties: the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, which was split into Menshevik and Bolshevik sides. In addition there were the Social Revolutionaries. This was a large revolutionary party, which used terrorism and violence to achieve its aims.

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Groups that were wanting to overthrow government

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It targeted people belonging to groups that wanted to overthrow the government, and was later used to prosecute members of the Communist and Socialist Workers parties.

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There are three major parties, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the National Action Party (PAN), and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). There are five other officially registered parties as well. There are also countless minor parties and groupings that are not represented in federal or state government.

What was Leon Trotsky's view concerning agreements made with social democracies?

In exile, Leon Trotsky gave his views to radical socialist revolutionary parties. He concluded that election agreements with a social democratic government that contained compromises usually worked to the advantage of the government. On the other hand, he believed that agreements with these same types of governments that allowed for mass action, for useful to revolutionary parties in that these actions aided class struggle goals.

What main two revolutionary parties that first wanted to overthrow the Russian government before 1905 were the?

The two main parties were the Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs), a non-Marxist political party, and the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP), a Marxist political party. The RSDLP was itself split into two factions, the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks.The names came about during the RSDLP Congress in Brussels in 1903. Lenin and his followers were the more radical members of the RSDLP, however they were in the minority. The more conservative majority members were angered at Lenin and some walked out in a protest. This walk-out gave Lenin a temporary majority and he quickly dubbed his followers Bolsheviks, meaning 'majorityites' even though they were actually the minority. The other RSDP members allowed themselves to be called Mensheviks, meaning minorityites even though they were in the majority.Nihilists and Populists(Narodniks)

What are the 3 Ontario government parties?

Ontario does not and will never have government "parties", because Ontario is not a counrty.

What kind of government did Lenin initiate?

A communist system of government replaced the old, decadent, corrupt monarchy, after the Russian Revolution of 1917. Lenin created a socialist type of government, not a communist type of government. The government created by Lenin was just as repressive and autocratic as the monarchy that had been replaced. Dissent from Bolshevik/Communist doctrine or against the leaders of the Bolsheviks (meaning Lenin himself) was deemed counter-revolutionary and subjected the dissident to exile, imprisonment or death. All political parties, then existing as well as to be formed, except the Bolshevik/Communist Party were dispersed and outlawed. Lenin created the Bolshevik Party which seized governmental power from the Russian Provisional Government, which had been set up in place of Tsar Nicholas' II's rule. Then he created the first Russian republic called the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, which in 1926 became the Soviet Union. Once the Bolsheviks had all political power with no way for the people to change things, the government got just as corrupt as the Tsar's had been.

How do political parties connects the people and the government?

Political parties are the principle means by which the will of the people is made known to the government.

Was Alexander Kerensky of the 1917 Provisional government in Russia successful?

No, Alexander Kerensky was not successful. Kerensky and the Russian Provisional Government which he headed were overthrown by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution of 1917. Kerensky had failed to get Russia out of World War 1, failed to put an end to shortages of economic goods and failed to institute meaningful land reforms. All of these desires of the Russian people are what led to the February Revolution, the overthrow of the Czar and the creation of the Provisional Government in the first place. The main reason the Bolsheviks so easily seized control of the government from Kerensky was that he no longer had the support of the workers, soldiers or peasants of the country or of the various political parties that were trying to create a new permanent government. It has also been said that Kerensky had been undermined by various extreme socialist groups such as the Bolsheviks.