These also happen to be the best hockey players ever. I would say that in order, Bobby Orr, Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux, Gordie Howe, and Maurice Richard. There's not too many other players that will be considered by anyone as the best player ever (or best candian player).
wayne gretzky
Only 1% of the kids who play hockey will ever play in the NHL.
No, not during a game, but players has died from injuries suffered on ice.
Only two players went on to play in the NHL. Tommy Williams became one of the best American born players ever to play in the NHL and goalie Jack McCartan played in 12 games for the New York Rangers. A third player, Herb Brooks, never played in the NHL but gained great fame as the coach of the 1980 Olympic team and as a coach in the NHL.
there has never been a female nhl players. There has been I believe on two occasions a female goalie invited to camp, perhaps played in preseason...but both times alot of goals were allowed and from what I understand never a real interest in signing either of them to contracts.
Yes he was a Canadian hero.One of the best hockey players ever!!!!
Because Sidney Crosby is one of the best hockey players to ever step on the ice.
the best goalie in hockey is Roberto luongo
hell yea man hockeys the best sport on earth. hockey is the stuff hockey is the best ever *L_*
personally i think its wayne gretzky because i like hockey a lot
Second best hockey team are those losers USA but what is important is CANADA,the best hockey team ever. -_- take that USA.
wayne gretzky
Dhyan Chand is by far the best field hockey player th@ ever was or will be.
I've played Field Hockey for almost six years. I LOVEit.I'm a defence player/ goalie.It truly is the best sport ever played on the earth.
Best roller hockey player ever!
The best hockey goalie ever born.
This question calls for an opinion and opinions differ. Do not remove answers simply because you disagree with them.The best hockey team ever is the Colorado Avalanche.