The smallest country to ever make it in the football world cup is Trinidad & Tobago
Any International team makes the world Cup,Only 32 make the finals
the longest football game was 42 hours and 5 minutes, this game broke the world's Guinness record for the longest football match. The event was held in Qatar by Snickers through a campaign called " Make football history" why am i talking about football, im supposed to be talking about soccer.
People don't really know which country invented football, but the most sources come from England. First you played it with your hands like rugby you had to take an object to an other village it developed quickly. Sometimes it was even played with your feet and so football came. They began to make goals and a good ball (although it was made of pig organs) and played games against other villages.
A team may make 3 substitutions per match.
Singapore does not make the current top lists as being the smallest country in the world. Even though it is only a 246 square mile country, there are other countries that are much smaller such as Malta.
any country or any country that qualifies.
The smallest country in the western hemisphere is not Grenada, neither is it St. Lucia. The smallest country in the western hemisphere is St. Kitts and Nevis. Its landmass measures 104 sq. miles and has a population of less than 50,000. The island Grenada is about 133 sq. miles and that does not include the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique which together make up the country Grenada.
Yes, you can chop a pencil in half to make it smaller, but it would not necessarily be the world's smallest pencil. To make the world's smallest pencil, specialized manufacturing techniques and materials would be needed to create a functional writing instrument that is significantly smaller than a traditional pencil.
anything rea;;y the smallest thing can make a big difference good or bad
Oh, dude, country code +00186? That's like the Vatican City, the smallest country in the world! So, if you're trying to call the Pope to chat about your problems, make sure to dial that country code first. But seriously, who still uses landlines these days anyway?
Football can make you rich, famous and popular the world over in a few short years.
The smallest element in the world is the atom. Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter and are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. These subatomic particles are incredibly small and make up everything in the universe.
Virtually every country in the world produces honey.
All country need to work together to make a better world. All country ha to be ally to make a better world.
Not only is it the smallest in Europe, but the Vatican City State is the smallest in the world. It occupies .17 square miles, make sure you take note of the decimal point.
About 200 countries try to qualify for the World Cup. 32 make it.