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chariot race, pankration

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Q: List 3 sporting events that only occurred at the ancient games and 3 event that only occur at the modern games?
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List four sporting events held at the modern Olympics and the ancient Greek Olympics?

field events and track events

What were the sporting events for modern Olympics?

What year? They change everytime they are held.

How does the Gladiator games and modern day sporting events differ?

no lions

Did they have the same events in ancient Olympics?

Most of the events from the Modern Olympics originally came from the Ancient Olympics but many more events have been added to the Modern Olympics...

What sporting events were held at the first modern Olympics?

archery,basketball and muck more!!

Are all of the events of the Ancient Olympics in the Modern Olympics?


What events are in both modern and ancient Olympics?

Contest for eating ploop

Which ancient Olympic events are still in the modern Olympics?

What are the same about the ancient and modern Olympics?

Women are now allowed to compete and there is a Marathon and there is winter Olympics and many more sports and no going naked. Ancient Olympic and Modern Olympic has a lots of events.

How is a life in a modern city similar to life in ancient Rome?

City life in Ancient Rome and modern cities are similarby there is a lot of interacting and socializing with neighbors and attending local restaurants and events.

Which ancient Olympic sports are still in today's modern Olympics?

Events in the Ancient Games that are in the Modern Games include: running events, boxing, wrestling, long jump, javelin, discus, and Equestrian events. source:

Did the original Olympic games have equestrian events?

No. In fact the ancient games have little resemblance to our modern Olympics. Modern sports events are so much more complex than in days of old. These did not include riding horses.