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lol but it was an old team lasting untill '09 that soon changed to okc thunder

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Q: Is the Seattle supersonics the same as the Oklahoma city?
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What US States have the same letter of the State name as the name of it Capitol?

Delaware: Dover Hawaii: Honolulu Indiana: Indianapolis Oklahoma: Oklahoma City

What two state capitals begin with the same six letters?

Columbia and Columbus which are the state capitals of South Carolina and Ohio

Were there any hotels in Seattle during the 1850s?

Yes there was. The was one called Hotel Seattle or Seattle Hotel. Same hotel

How do people in Oklahoma City live?

Oklahoma City, like most big cities in America, offers its residents and tourists an array of social, spiritual, employment, housing, education, medical, cultural arts, shopping, tourism and sports options, to name a few. Contrary to misguided, old-fashioned visions of modern day Oklahomans camping out in tepees and taking a canoe to work, residents of Oklahoma City enjoy the same modern luxuries as any other large city in the world. The rich and vast Oklahoma City cultural experience is often surprising to newcomers and visitors. I've heard plenty of newcomers say they expected to see nothing but wind sweeping down the plains and cows and horses (though Oklahoma does have plenty of them, but mostly in rural areas). Oklahoma City is also rich in ethnic diversity. If you visit OKC, you'll meet people from all different races, religions and ethnic backgrounds from all over the world. For more information on Oklahoma City, visit

On April 19 1995 the Oklahoma city bombing took place this same date was the 2Nd anniversary of what other us incident?

April 19, 1995 was also second anniversary of deaths at Waco.

Related questions

Which is the better franchise the Seattle Supersonics or the Oklahoma City Thunder?

Sir they are the same franchise they just moved and changed their name

What capital city and state has the same name?

Oklahoma City is the capital of Oklahoma. It is also in Oklahoma County.

Did Kevin durant and ray Allen play on the same team?

Only for a few hours, after durant was drafted by the seattle supersonics, ray Allen was traded to Boston later that day

What state and capital start with the same letters?

· Delaware - Dover · Hawaii - Honolulu · Indiana - Indianapolis · Oklahoma - Oklahoma City

What states have the same name as the capital?

Oklahoma has about the same capital as the state name. Its capital is Oklahoma City.

What Capital cities have the same name?

Indianapolis, Indiana Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

What 2 states have the same capital names?

Oklahoma and Indiana Oklahoma city, Oklahoma Indianapolis, Indiana

What foreign country have same latitude as Seattle Washington?

The city of Bordeaux in France is at the same latitude as Seattle, Washington.

What states have a capital city with the same first letter as the state?

Dover, Delaware Honolulu, Hawaii Indianapolis, Indiana Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

What European city has the same latitude as seattle?

Paris, France has the same latitude as Seattle, Washington, at around 47.6 degrees north latitude.

salt lake city oklahoma city memphis and cincinnati are all in the same?


The names of four states start with the same letter as the capital city of the state What are the four cities and states?

Oklahoma-Oklahoma City Hawaii-Honolulu Kansas-Kansas City Kansas is wrong- The correct answer is: Dover,Delaware Honolulu,Hawaii Indianapolis, Indiana Oklahoma City, Oklahoma