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Some might believe that but truly it is said that Lacrosse is 'the fastest game on two feet'.

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Q: Is football the fastest game on two feet?
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What running sport is the fastest?

Lacrosse is the fastest sport on two feet.

You have to have 2 feet in at a college football game it is the new rule.?

Two feet in what? If the question concerns the requirement for a completed pass the answer is one.

Can lacrosse help you louse weight?

Lacrosse is the fastest game on two feet so it gets you in shape cause you run alot.

What are some facts about lacrosse?

the only one i know is that lacrosse is the fastest game on two feet but i am looking for some too. The french called it "jeu de la crosse" lacrosse is a fast game, in which the players wear full American football pads, along with elbow guards, gloves, and a stick that is usually about 3 or 6 feet long.

What is the national game of Ireland?

Ireland has two major national games of equal importance. They are Hurling and Gaelic Football. The two sports are related, though very different. Gaelic Football is the more popular, but Hurling is the more unique. It is the fastest field game in the world, and a highly skilled game.

Fastest growing sport in UK?

Womens football. The two fastest growing sports for men are lacrosse and cross country running.

How much football make a game?

A football game consists of two halves each lasting 45mins.

What sports has Ireland invented?

The two national sports in Ireland, Hurling and Gaelic Football. Hurling is a stick and ball game, similar to hockey or Lacrosse, and it is the fastest field game in the world. Gaelic Football has sometimes been described as a cross between soccer and rugby.

Do you need to have two feet in collage football?

You only need 1 foot in-bounds for receiving in college football.

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The two fastest quests in the game are Doric's quest and Cook's Assistant, both of which can be completed in well under a minute.

What two sports were used to invent the game football?

soccer and rugby

Which is considered as the fastest team game in the world?

There are actually two answers to this question. Ice Hockey is the fastest moving team game in terms of overall speed of play. Jai Alai is the fastest team game in terms of how fast the ball moves (it's been clocked at over 188 mph).