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Yes, if you look at most professional players they started their carrer when they were kids but if you just want to play amuter you can play up to any age

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Q: Is 25 to late to become a soccer player?
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What does it mean when you dream about bing a soccer player?

You are one of the 25% of soccer player in the world! I guess it helped

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Me I was a soccer player

How much years of college does it take to become a soccer player?

Very little, probably none at all, but you need to be a great player to become professional and it may never happen unless you are really good so I wouldn't throw out the idea of a good education for football.

What is the bmi of a soccer player?

they average around the high 24's to mid 25

If you are 25 is it to late to become pro?

umm maby but if ur really good at soccer and ur in great shap u could always try. there is nothing to loose :) What were you befor 25? You need desire,skill,and physical ability.

What is the meaning of playing soccer in a dream?

according to proffesionals if you are to dream of playing soccer in your sleep you are in the top 25% of soccer players in the world

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When is the Everton soccer game?

July 25

Who is kyle Collins?

Kyle Collins is a professional soccer player. He was born in England. He plays for the Buxton Football Club out of Buxton, Derbyshire. He is 25 years old.

When was Michael Green - soccer - born?

Michael Green - soccer - was born on 1989-12-25.

When was Miguel Gonzalez - soccer - born?

Miguel Gonzalez - soccer - was born on 1987-09-25.

When was Mike Sweeney - soccer - born?

Mike Sweeney - soccer - was born on 1959-12-25.