An assistant referee DOES NOT need a whistle. They need a uniform (shirt, shorts, socks) and an assistant referee flag. That's pretty much it... oh, and soccer cleats will probably help!
Field equipment needed for an indoor soccer match includes 2 soccer goals and a soccer ball. Player equipment includes indoor soccer cleats, clothing (soccer socks, shorts, jersey), and shin guards. You should never play soccer without shin guards.
soccer academies are just a fancy way of saying a soccer team with more advanced coaches, training, and players. (it also cost more)
Soccer cleats are made of leather and are much lighter than in past years
how much would i have to pay for all this or how much does it cost?
about 175 if you buy equipment
about 20
There is no limit to how much equipment and tools cost in fashion. There are many expensive tools in fashion.
about 20
around $70
it can cost over £50
Depreciation of manufacturing equipment is fixed cost because that cost will incurred no matter how much units produced.
The best way to find out how much it cost for commercial Fitness equipment would be to go online and visit a local Fitness store that sell commercial Fitness equipment.
They range from $40 to $340