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regulation size is18 inches in diameter

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Q: Inside diameter inches of a basketball net?
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Related questions

Dimension of basketball ring?

The basket or basketball hoop is made out of steel, has a circular shape and with a net attached to it. It has a precise diameter of 18 inches.

What size should a basketball net be to fit a size 7 basketball?

A Size 7 basketball is usually 29.5 inches

What is length of basketball net?

An official, NBA-approved basketball net may be anywhere between 15" to 18" long. Obviously, it must also go around the rim of the hoop. An official basketball hoop is 18" in diameter; thus, the net must also be 18" in diameter at its widest point.

Basketball hoop size?

According to the regulation hoop diameter is 18 inches (inside the rim). Other sizes are available for practice or games other than regulation basketball. Use a search engine to find "basketball" +"hoop diameter".

How many cm or millimeters is the basketball rings diameter?

In the NBA, NBA Rule 1, Section 2, Article D states: " Each basket shall consist of a pressure-release NBA approved metal safety ring 18" in inside diameter with a white cord net 15" to 18" in length. " 18 inches is between 45 and 46 cm.

What is the diameter of an official basketball in millimeters?

An NBA size Basketball court is 94 feet from baseline to baseline and 50 feet from sideline to sideline.

What size is the hoop in basketball?

well the size is roughly around 18 inches but it it depends on what type of net it is.

What is the measurements of the standard basketball rim the hole where the ball goes in?

The diameter of a standard basketball rim is 18 inches, with a net either 15 or 18 inches long. This means that, when a standard 29.5 cm (circumference) ball approaches the rim vertically, it can be up to 4.5 inches from the center of the hoop and still go in. Theoretically this is the easiest way to make a basket, but somehow shooting vertically just isn't my thing...

Does it matter if the basketball net is 2 inches lower?

yes depending on who is playing and the regualtions and the rules of where you are playing or the state

What height is a pro basketball ring?

120 inches, or 10 foot

What is the height of basketball ring from ground?

8 feet 6 3/8 inches The top of the goal is 10 feet above and perpendicular to the floor below. The goal ring is 5/8 inch in diameter (OD) The net retention system may use up 1 inch of net. For a 18 inch net the residual length will be: 18" - 1" = 17" The nets height above the floor is: 10' - (5/8" + 17") = 8' 6 3/8" T

How many cm is the basketball ring?

The official basketball rings has a an inside circumference of 18". In between 45-46 cm is equivalent to 18". It also has a cord net of 15".