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yes they actually broke the world record for most naked people in one place because they were all naked.

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Q: In the ancient Greeks Olympics did anyone break a world record?
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What did the ancient Greeks record?

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Who was the last person to win the ancient Olympics?

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Who held record for most medals in ancient Olympics?

In Ancient Greece no medals were given. This is a modern concept. They were give laurel / olive leaves wreaths to wear on their heads.

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Sulfur has been known since ancient times. It was used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Its discovery date is not precisely recorded as it was known and used before modern record-keeping.

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Breaking a world record at the Olympics means you are breaking the world record, not just the Olympic record. Olympic records are specific to the Olympics event itself, whereas world records are recognized as the best performance in the world for that particular event.

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The ancient Egyptians invented the back handspring. Later on, the Greeks adopted it.

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OR stands for Olympic Record, this is the best performance in the event that has occured in the Olympics

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What is the world record for eventing Olympics?

it is the u.s.a

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Who participated in the modern Olympics?

People with no criminal record or any crimes they have done. they don't have to be a free man like in the ancient games, but now women can participate! so its fun for everyone!

Current record holder for rhythmic gymnastics?

Current record holder for the Olympics is Almuneda Cid, having participated in the Olympics for Rhythmic Gymnastics 4 times.