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The councils (called soviets in Russian) were of workers and soldiers. Initially the soviets were called councils of workers, but later on many soldiers joined them and the name was expanded to Councils of workers and soldiers.

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Q: In 1917 the Russian revolution saw cities run by councils of workers and what?
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How does Soviet relate to Russia?

The word "soviet" comes from the Russian word for "council". Prior to the revolution, councils of workers' deputies, or representatives, sprang up in many of the larger cities in Russia. The Soviets became a quasi governmental force, because they had the support of the people. They had the political power to organize demonstrations and strikes if the government did not address the needs of the people. The soviets remained in place after the Tsar abdicated to make sure the new Provisional Government did the right thing. All soviets were later abolished by Vladimir Lenin after the Bolshevik Revolution.

What is the meaning of 'soviet' from the February Revolution in 1917 in Russia?

The word "soviet" means "council". Prior to the February Revolution as the workers, soldiers and peasants grew more and more dissatisfied with the operation of the government, groups of Russian citizens organized themselves in the form of councils in Petrograd, Moscow and many other Russian cities. They were created to make known the the Tsar and his ministers the various complaints the people had. At the time of the Revolution, these councils became politically powerful in that they represented the people of Russia and were strong enough to rouse the populace against the government; therefore they were a force to be reckoned with even though they were not official bodies. Ironically, after the February Revolution, the formal government, the Provisional Government understood that the soviets had real power. The PG had an understanding with the Petrograd Soviet that it would not take actions without the knowledge if not the consent of the Petrograd Soviet. In essence, the Provisional Government had responsibility but no real power; whereas the Soviets had power but no real responsibility.

How does agricultural revolution lead to the urbanization?

Agricultural revolution lead to urbanization. More food production meant less workers needed leading to movement to cities

What was Czar Nicholas II role in the Russian revolution?

Tsar Nicholas II was responsible for touching off the first part of the Russian Revolution, the February Revolution. Russian people including workers, soldiers and peasants were dissatisfied with the way he was running the government. Russia was suffering huge losses in World War 1, food in the cities was scarce and the distribution of land among the more wealthy owners was unfair. He was unable or refused to rectify these situations so citizens of Petrograd and other cities broke out into mass demonstrations against him and his government. He abdicated the throne once he realized that he no longer had control of police or military forces to stop the rioting. As to the second revolution, the October Revolution, he had no role because he was completely out of power, under arrest and in the custody of the Provisional Government.

Describe the living conditions of cities under the industrial revolution?

they had sewage water everywhere and people lived together in small tenements.

Related questions

What were the influential local councils of workers peasants and soldiers formed by social revolutionaries in cities such as Petrograd?

The influential local councils of workers, peasants, and soldiers formed by the Social Revolutionaries in cities like Petrograd were called "soviets." These soviets played a key role during the Russian Revolution in 1917, representing the interests of the working class and influencing the course of events in the early stages of the revolution. They provided a forum for political debate, decision-making, and organization among the various groups in society.

Where and when was the Russian Revolution?

The Russian Revolutions of 1917 both began in Petrograd, but spread to other cities like Moscow as well.

How does Soviet relate to Russia?

The word "soviet" comes from the Russian word for "council". Prior to the revolution, councils of workers' deputies, or representatives, sprang up in many of the larger cities in Russia. The Soviets became a quasi governmental force, because they had the support of the people. They had the political power to organize demonstrations and strikes if the government did not address the needs of the people. The soviets remained in place after the Tsar abdicated to make sure the new Provisional Government did the right thing. All soviets were later abolished by Vladimir Lenin after the Bolshevik Revolution.

What is the meaning of 'soviet' from the February Revolution in 1917 in Russia?

The word "soviet" means "council". Prior to the February Revolution as the workers, soldiers and peasants grew more and more dissatisfied with the operation of the government, groups of Russian citizens organized themselves in the form of councils in Petrograd, Moscow and many other Russian cities. They were created to make known the the Tsar and his ministers the various complaints the people had. At the time of the Revolution, these councils became politically powerful in that they represented the people of Russia and were strong enough to rouse the populace against the government; therefore they were a force to be reckoned with even though they were not official bodies. Ironically, after the February Revolution, the formal government, the Provisional Government understood that the soviets had real power. The PG had an understanding with the Petrograd Soviet that it would not take actions without the knowledge if not the consent of the Petrograd Soviet. In essence, the Provisional Government had responsibility but no real power; whereas the Soviets had power but no real responsibility.

How does agricultural revolution lead to the urbanization?

Agricultural revolution lead to urbanization. More food production meant less workers needed leading to movement to cities

What was Czar Nicholas II role in the Russian revolution?

Tsar Nicholas II was responsible for touching off the first part of the Russian Revolution, the February Revolution. Russian people including workers, soldiers and peasants were dissatisfied with the way he was running the government. Russia was suffering huge losses in World War 1, food in the cities was scarce and the distribution of land among the more wealthy owners was unfair. He was unable or refused to rectify these situations so citizens of Petrograd and other cities broke out into mass demonstrations against him and his government. He abdicated the throne once he realized that he no longer had control of police or military forces to stop the rioting. As to the second revolution, the October Revolution, he had no role because he was completely out of power, under arrest and in the custody of the Provisional Government.

Is Soviet in Russia?

There is NO place called "Soviet" in Russia. The word "soviet" comes from the Russian word for "council". Prior to the revolution, councils of workers' deputies, or representatives, sprang up in many of the larger cities in Russia. The Soviets became a quasi governmental force, because they had the support of the people. They had the political power to organize demonstrations and strikes if the government did not address the needs of the people. The soviets remained in place after the Tsar abdicated to make sure the new Provisional Government did the right thing. All soviets were later abolished by Vladimir Lenin after the Bolshevik Revolution.

Describe the living conditions of cities under the industrial revolution?

they had sewage water everywhere and people lived together in small tenements.

What was the most common occupation in the cities?

During the Industrial Revolution, factory workers were one of the most common occupations in cities as urbanization and industrialization led to the growth of manufacturing industries and the need for labor in cities.

Who is the leader of the Phoenicians?

The kings and councils of each of the independent cities.

How did the industry revolution change the way people work?

Before the Industrial Revolution, most workers worked at home or on farms. With the introduction of machinery and factories, this work moved to centralized locations of cities.

What events contributed to the migration of peasants to the cities In the Russian revolution?

Various factors contributed to the migration of peasants to cities during the Russian Revolution, including land reforms that fragmented landholdings, industrialization efforts that created job opportunities in urban areas, and policies that forced peasants off the land. Additionally, the outbreak of World War I disrupted rural life, pushing many peasants to seek better economic opportunities in cities.