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They were called soviets and wielded a considerable amount of political power especially after the Tsar was overthrown.

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11mo ago

The influential local councils of workers, peasants, and soldiers formed by the Social Revolutionaries in cities like Petrograd were called "soviets." These soviets played a key role during the Russian Revolution in 1917, representing the interests of the working class and influencing the course of events in the early stages of the revolution. They provided a forum for political debate, decision-making, and organization among the various groups in society.

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Q: What were the influential local councils of workers peasants and soldiers formed by social revolutionaries in cities such as Petrograd?
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What is the meaning of 'soviet' from the February Revolution in 1917 in Russia?

The word "soviet" means "council". Prior to the February Revolution as the workers, soldiers and peasants grew more and more dissatisfied with the operation of the government, groups of Russian citizens organized themselves in the form of councils in Petrograd, Moscow and many other Russian cities. They were created to make known the the Tsar and his ministers the various complaints the people had. At the time of the Revolution, these councils became politically powerful in that they represented the people of Russia and were strong enough to rouse the populace against the government; therefore they were a force to be reckoned with even though they were not official bodies. Ironically, after the February Revolution, the formal government, the Provisional Government understood that the soviets had real power. The PG had an understanding with the Petrograd Soviet that it would not take actions without the knowledge if not the consent of the Petrograd Soviet. In essence, the Provisional Government had responsibility but no real power; whereas the Soviets had power but no real responsibility.

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What type of government did Lenin want for Russia?

Vladimir Lenin wanted a socialist government ruled by the revolutionaries, that would lead to ownership of the country by the working class and peasants. He was a follower of Marxian ideology, and created an ideology that came to be known as Marxist Leninism.

Would you please demonstrate a sentence using the word 'peasants'?

Peasants!The peasants are revolting!-Yes, but what are the peasants doing?Street beggars are often unsuccessful in their attempts to beg from peasants.

What were the problems of provisional government?

The situation between the Provisional Government and the Soviets, in particular the Petrograd Soviets were known as the "Dual Authority".The spread across the country of soviets or councils of workers, soldiers and peasants meant that from the start the authority of the Provisional Government was undermined.The Soviets had; "power without authority", whilst the Provisional Government had; "authority without power."This system of Dual Authority meant that the Provisional Government lacked the will and the means to enforce its authority.The Petrograd Soviet were given the power to over rule all the military decisions passed by the Provisional Government.All the armed forces were successfully put in the capital under Soviet control rather that the Provisional Government.The Provisional Government failed to retain power in 1917, as they had no real force.The soviets were supporting the Provisional Government until Russian capitalism would collapse and Russia would move to her socialist phrase of her development.There are more, but these are just a few i could think of doing my history coursework. I

How do you spell peasants?

Peasants is the correct spelling.

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How were the early Russian revolutionaries different from modern-day terrorists?

In a nutshell, their overall missions are different. The contemporary terrorist's mission is religious, and the early Russian revolutionary's mission was political. For example, when Tsar Alexander II was assassinated, the goal was governmental reform, not to send a religious message to the West. Early Russian revolutionaries attempted to topple the government to create better conditions for the Russian peasants and working class, and modern terrorists are on a mission to topple the infidel West.