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Northerly, until it is overhead.

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Q: If a ship sails a steady course the Big Dipper gets higher in the sky In what direction must the ship be sailing?
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Besides the standard red and green running lights what other lights do ship's display when under way?

All power vessels must have a white Stern light. Rules differ slightly between power boats and sailing vessels, where sailing vessels can have both their port, starboard and stern lights on their mast. An all around white light denotes a vessel at anchor. If a vessel is longer then I think its 200', then they must have two all around white lights, one forward and one aft in addition to their red and green navigation lights. Vessels towing have a yellow light which signifies they are towing. They also have the back white light. The white light stands higher in the air its usually on a post or something so it could be higher in the air.

Can the olympic flag fly higher then the American flag?

Of course it can. All you have to do is attach it to a taller flag pole.Another View: (in the US) No. The rules of flag etiquette of the United states deem that when displayed along with other flags on a single pole, the US flag should be displayed at the highest position on the pole, and when in a grouping of multiple flagpoles, the US flag should be displayed higher than any other flag. These flag rules apply only in the US and its territories, of course, other nations may have differing rules.

When did ghetto blasters first become popular?

The 1980's were when they first became popular. Their popularity rose even higher afterwards for their modern designs, and of course for the music. People everywhere bought them to be able to enjoy music.

Why did Columbus believe that he could reach the east sailing west?

Because... the map in his time was wrong (but only in scale): China was thought to be farther east than it was, the Americas were not on the maps the combined Atlantic and Pacific was thought to be much narrower than they are.

How were the blocks brought higher as the pyramid grew taller?

they had to use leverage to move the blocks higher and higher.

Related questions

As a ship sails a steady course the Big Dipper gets higher in the sky In what direction must the ship be sailing?


If a ship sails a steady course the Big Dipper gets higher in the sky while the Southern Cross gets lower In which direction must the ship be sailing?

Due north

What is the season when the little dipper visible?

The Little Dipper is visible all year round in the northern hemisphere since it is a circumpolar constellation. However, it may be easier to see during the spring and summer months when the skies are clearer and the constellation is higher in the sky.

When is the best time of year to see big dipper constellation in sky?

The Big Dipper is visible in the Northern Hemisphere year-round, but it is easiest to spot during late winter and early spring evenings when it is higher in the sky. Look for it in the northeast in the evening during these seasons.

What time of year can big dipper be seen from Indiana?

The Big Dipper is visible in Indiana throughout the year. However, it is most prominently seen during the spring and summer months in the northern part of the state when it is higher in the sky.

Can fleas live at higher elevations?

of course

Why does the big dipper change positions in the night sky from Spring through winter?

The Big Dipper changes positions in the night sky because as the Earth orbits the sun, the different seasons result in the night sky appearing differently due to the Earth's tilt. In spring and summer, the Big Dipper may be higher in the night sky, while in fall and winter it may appear lower, reflecting the changing position of the Earth in its orbit.

Is 7 higher than 0.7?

7 is greater than 0.7. Whether it is higher depends on the direction in which you measure.

What determines the direction of Electric?

The potential difference. The electrons flows from a lower potential to a higher potential. The electric current flows in the opposite direction. The electric field's direction is always from a higher potential to a lower potential. Its kind of like a waterfall. The water always falls down not up. It goes from a higher potential to a lower potential.

What animal in the world can jump higher?

of course kangaroos.

What percentage of Americans sail as compared to people in other parts of the world?

Approximately 0.1% of Americans participate in sailing activities. In comparison, countries with a strong sailing culture, such as Australia or New Zealand, may have a higher percentage of their population engaged in sailing. However, globally, sailing is not a mainstream recreational activity and is more popular in coastal regions or countries with a maritime tradition.

What time of year is it the best to see in the Big Dipper in Montana?

The Big Dipper is visible in Montana year-round, but it is most prominent during the spring and summer months. The best time to see it is during the late evening or early morning hours when it is higher in the sky and easier to spot.