Basketballs. are round balls that are used to play on a court
basketballs are made out of PVC material! the saying of 'its made out of pigs skin' was an old way of playing football and pigs skin was the only thing useful to use!
You buy them
nylon is a tough light waterproof material.. =/
There does not appear to be a scientific name to describe the fear of basketballs.
The 16 basketballs represent 100% of the basketballs in the question.
round look like a guy downstairs if you know what i mean.
Decomposed organic material .
Basketballs are used in the competitive team game of basketball.
A sports shop would probably sell basketballs - especially the larger sports supermarkets.
I would say yes but it all depends on how much air is in the basketball in question.
No, there is a surplus of basketballs
Depending on the type of material that is used for the indoor track, it is possible to bounce a basketball on the floor.
Basketballs do contain petroleum.
The term ductile would be applied to this physical characteristic of such a material.