Michael Jordan was possibly the most famous Basketball player in the world.
Micheal Jordan likes basket ball because it is a competitive sport
a hoop and a ball shoot that ball when he seen it he want to be a inventor in springfeild ,massachetts in usa on the year of 1891
If the ball goes in, it counts as a score for the team whose basket it is and the other team gets the ball. In other words, if you make a goal for the other team, you get the ball back.
Dr James Naismith used a peach basket for the basket and for the ball was a socccer ball.
because he is the tallest basket ball player in the history of basket ball
he played for basket ball and baseball
What Basket ball team was Michael Jordan on When he played basketball
He made history by playing basket ball.
tenth grade sophomore year
Micheal Jordan likes basket ball because it is a competitive sport
one thousand dollar
because he was the best basket ball player because he was the best basket ball player
Right now its LeBron James but over all its Michael Jordan
basket ball
basket ball
curve ball