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basket ball

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Q: Which is the most popular indoor game in the US?
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Which indoor sport is most popular in US?


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Which indoor sport is the most popular in US?

This question has know actual answer because people have different opinions, but I believe it is basketball.

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What countries is bowling playing in?

Tenpin bowling is played all over the world. It is most popular in the US and UK, but is very popular in Asian countries as well. It is the most popular indoor sport in the world.

Is dota popular in the US?

yes dota is the most popular game worlwide...i think 1 billion ppl at least play this game ...

What is the most poplur indoor sport in US?


What is considered the home of Billiards competition?

This depends upon which billiards game - English Billiards is most popular in the UK. Pocket Billiards is most popular in the US.