A great deal of money is made at the world cup. Not only tickets but then there are canteens and jerseys sold.
1/2 100,000
approx 4000 yards
I doubt very much if Cuba ever did qualify for a world cup.
Soccer cleats are made of leather and are much lighter than in past years
40% of all revenue
How much revenue would you like to make?
Cost is how much is spent revenue is the annual how much u make
4 cazillion dollars
Soccer players in France make $400,000 per year and American soccer players make $300,000 per year.
IT depends on how good you are.
{| ! Gross revenue | $196,773,073 |}
10.50 an hour
100b yearly
Depends on where you play for this one. Professional soccer is pretty much the same for everywhere, but regular soccer differs around the world.