Fenway Park is not exactly known as a hitters park especially with the Green Monster staring back at home plate. However, to the middle of the 2014 baseball season, there have been over 10 thousand home runs hit at the park.
3,875,132,857 homeruns have been hit. 3,875,132,857 homeruns have been hit.
Shaun. Green. Andre. Either. He. Sop. Choi
About 250,000
There are 278 seats on the Green Monster.
Fenway Park is not exactly known as a hitters park especially with the Green Monster staring back at home plate. However, to the middle of the 2014 baseball season, there have been over 10 thousand home runs hit at the park.
There has been two but there will be three on frieday the 13
Thousands, but none have been confirmed
There are many species of green plants that make the desert their home.
11 times
Scientists have spent many years and made many expeditions to Scotland in an attempt to research the Loch Ness monster myth. As of 2014, they have never found any sign of 'Nessie,' the famous Loch Ness monster.
Unsure but if you happen to see one you can report it here: (http://www.monsterssightings.com/category/sea-monster-sightings) to share what you saw.
alot lol
There have been many claims to having sited the "monster" however, despite numerous attempts to scientifically find the creature none has been proven to date. No one actually knows what the monster is i.e. what species to categorise it under(if there is one). It remains simply called "Nessie"
There are 15 monster personalities.
The Home page for Moshi Monsters says that over 40 million monsters have been adopted. Since each member can only have one monster, there must be more than 40 million!