The Dodgers play 162 regular season games
Through 5 games of the 2007 season, Memphis won lost records are: 2003: 9-4 2004: 8-4 2005: 7-5 2006: 2-10 2007: 2-3 Between 2003 and the fifth week of the 2007 season, the Tigers have won 28 out of 52 games.
Actually, there aren't many mid-week day games unless there's a double-header. That said, there are a few games each season that are mid-day mid-week games, because it's fun to play hookey for a day from work and go to a ball game. Day games in general are becoming increasingly rare, however because to the TV networks who would rather maximize their advertising revenue by having the games they televise occur during prime-time. The majority of day games are played on Sunday nowadays.
I profession football season has each team playing 16 games and having 1 week off. (This is called a bye week) Followed by playoffs. First week wildcards, 2nd week semi-conference, 3rd week conference finals. There is usally another week off then the Super Bowl. After that there is a All-star game just for fun. All together it is 4 weeks for preseason, 17 weeks for the season, 5 weeks for playoffs and Super Bowl, and 1 week for the All-star game.
9. A two month strike wiped out 7 games of the regular season in 1982. The strike began after Week 2 (September 19) and the teams did not play again until November 21.
Anywhere from 2 to 5. There is a stipulation in the contract between the players and the owners that states a team cannot play more than 4 games in 5 days. So you wont see a team play more than 5 games in a week.
There are 16 games that a team plays and 1 week when they do not play
there are about 16 games on the tv every week
Each team plays 162 games in the regular season, which begins in April and ends in late September. Teams typically play 6-7 games a week. Postseason play typically goes through October.
In the NFL, a 'bye' is a week when the team does not play. There are 17 weeks in an NFL regular season although teams only play 16 regular season games. Each team has one week during the regular season when they do not play. This week is called the team's 'bye week'. What he said xp
The Dodgers play 162 regular season games
All NFL teams play sixteen games in a seventeen game regular season. Each team gets one "bye week," a free week off.
An NFL regular season is 17 games long. Since every team has a bye week where they don't play, the regular season is essentially 16 games. Each team also plays 4 preseason games. if a team makes the playoffs they would also play up to 4 playoff games, if they do not have a first round bye. The pro bowl is an extra game for the best players. as well two teams play in the "hall of fame game" a week prior to the preseason.
You have a game every Wed. each week for 4 weeks then on the 5 week you play 2 games Monday and Wed.
A bye week is a week in which a team does not play a game (does not have to be football)
No one.