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I don't believe any UFC fighter has ever died. And out of all Mixed-Martial Artists, 3 have died from injuries suffered in regulated professional US MMA fights.

October 20, 2007 - Sam Vasquez, 35 died in a "Renegades Extreme Fighting" bout in Houston, TX. In the third round the fight ended by technical knockout. He lost consciousness shortly thereafter and was taken to Saint Joseph Medical Center's Critical Care Unit. Vasquez then suffered a blood clot; fluid entered his brain and he had a stroke and slipped into a coma for 42 days until he died. Vasquez's death was officially ruled as a death due to complications of blunt trauma of the head with a subdural hemorrhage.

June 26, 2010 - Michael Kirkham, 30 died in the "Confrontation at the Convocation Center" event in Aiken County, SC. from brain injuries suffered in his professional MMA debut. The 30-year-old Kirkham died from bleeding in the brain, collapsing after Saturday night's fight and was rushed to Aiken Regional Medical Center where he never regained consciousness. This was Michael Kirkham's first pro MMA fighter, but not his first fight, he had six amateur MMA bouts before turning professional.

====Answer Update====

August 11, 2012 - Tyrone Mimms in a bout in South Carolina died from of an unknown cause. He came out strong in the first round and he was so dominating that the referee considered ending the fight. However, Mimms tired out in the second round, and the referee stopped the fight. Mimms smiled, spoke coherently, and told a ringside doctor he was ok, and that he needed rest. With some assistance, he walked to the locker room, where he removed his gloves and drank some water. Within a few minutes, Mimms began breathing heavily, he became incoherent, and became unconscious. He never regained consciousness. The autopsy was inconclusive.

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Why did fighter planes have targets on them?

To protect the bombers (and sometimes to protect reconnaissance aircraft). Fighters fight the bomber's escorts; escorts defend the bombers. Fighters don't intentionally fight try to fight the's just that they have to fight their way thru them in order to reach (kill) the bombers.

What do you think most Indian groups eventually stopped resisting the US?

The U.S. was too powerful (and sneaky), the Indians just couldn't take it. Because we did not have the manpower or firepower to resist. It would be hard for my great great grandparents to fight hundreds of Americans with guns and money while they only had 20 good fighters with spears, clubs, and bows.

My best friend got into a fight and didn't fight back am i wrong for not stopping the fight?

no because just because your best freind is a fight doesnt mean you have the ability to back them up but i would cuz it would be cool but people are different. no because if my friend got into a fight i wouldnt get in the fight even though thats my friend because thats her problem and you could get hit or her friend might jump in so no you werent wrong

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because the british and the patriots just wanted extra fighters but the indians would risk there lives for nothing because either way they arnt part of the war there just gonna face death.

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