They did not use uniform numbers when Honus Wagner played baseball.
Montreal Expos
There is a special section in the Baseball Hall of Fame for women who played in the Women's professional league in the 1940s.
There is no record of any professional baseball game played in 1846. The earliest records of baseball began in 1876 with the establishment of the National League.
yes they have
PONY league baseball is similar to little league baseball. They are both technically considered normal baseball, just played by children rather than adults. For more information on the subject of PONY League baseball, visit the Related Link below.
None, there has never been a female player in Major League baseball.
Major League Baseball
He played Basketball as well as Baseball and League
There is a baseball league in Italy. Please see the related link for details.
it was the chicago clubs
Major league baseball is played in the Spring, Summer and Fall in the US. It begins in March in recent years.
All of the ones that say MLB somewhere where watching the game
No one with that exact spelling has ever played Major League baseball.