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An NBA game consists of 48 minutes of play. However, with timeouts, halftime, free throws, and other parts of the game that cause time to stop, NBA games actually last around 2 hours and 15 minutes.

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13y ago

The game was made up of two fifteen mintue halves, with five minutes of rest in between according to Naismiths original rules.

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15y ago

The first Basketball game consisted of two 15-minute halves!

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the FOURTH quarter is the last quarter in basketball, or the last 12 minutes. it is usually the most intense portion of a basketball game, since it is what it decides who wins the game and who loses it.

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In professional basketball how long does a game last for?

3 hours

How long did a basketball game last in the original rules?

46 years

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When will ncaa basketball have another video game?

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How long did basketball game last under the original rules?

30 minutes

How long did a basketball game last under to the original?

approximately 1006020 seconds

How long can a game last basketball?

Am official game lasts 48 minutes. a basketball game usually 2 hours

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What basketball legend did Justin Bieber beat during a game?

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