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the average time a sophmore runs the 40 yd dash is 4.7 that's average . there are a few that can run it in 4.6 or 4.5 by their sophmore yr but that's cause their really fast

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Q: How fast should a high school sophomore running back be able to run the 40 yard dash?
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How do you become the best running back in high school?

Depends what state your from I live in Texas and if you want to be the best hhigh school running back you better be at least 200 lbs run a 4.4 or 4.5 40 yrd dash be able to bench at least 275 be able to squat at least 380 and be able to hang clean at least 250. Also you nneed to be extremely shifty and not be afraid of a TON of contact. Beieve me I play safety for A 5A Texas High school and itll be tough for you to get there but work extrmely hard and you still probably wont be the best but youll be darn proud of yourself at the end.

What is your reaction about the family background of Jose Rizal?

his family was rich, they were able to send him to school abroad. we should always kept in mind that only the elite family can go to school during that period.

What is a migration certificate?

A migration certificate is provided when you move out of a school or University. Approach the University or College you studied they should be able to help you out.

You are 27 and weigh 182 pounds how much should you be able to bench press?

You should be able to atleast bench over 385.

How do you get into art school?

Maybe try talking to your parents, friends or teacher. They may know someone who runs an art school or a person who goes to one. I have quite a few friends that go to art school. If that doesn't work, have a look in the phone book for an art business in your area, and get your parents to call them. They should be able to book you into a class. Hope this helps!

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Everyone should be able to take a personal day at work or school.

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You should be able to do that. However, you need to contact the Office of the Registrar at the school you were enrolled at. They will be able to give you appropriate direction.You should be able to do that. However, you need to contact the Office of the Registrar at the school you were enrolled at. They will be able to give you appropriate direction.You should be able to do that. However, you need to contact the Office of the Registrar at the school you were enrolled at. They will be able to give you appropriate direction.You should be able to do that. However, you need to contact the Office of the Registrar at the school you were enrolled at. They will be able to give you appropriate direction.You should be able to do that. However, you need to contact the Office of the Registrar at the school you were enrolled at. They will be able to give you appropriate direction.You should be able to do that. However, you need to contact the Office of the Registrar at the school you were enrolled at. They will be able to give you appropriate direction.

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Because some kids are able to do this, they should be allowed as long as they come and leave with in times designated by the school district there is no reason kids shouldn't be able to leave school for lunch.

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Yes they can. I received one last year. I was moved up from the J.V. level to start at Varsity.

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yes the should

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Because we should!

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yeah... and they already do Yes , but its better to home school them Even though if they want to go to school (even though its more educative to be home schooled) then yes they should be able to go to school (But I wouldn't recomand it)

What stores should I shop at for tight running pants?

If you are able and willing- take a look at ordering some running tights. They should provide you with some warmth and protection, and be as tight fitting as you can get.

Why shouldn't kids bring electronics to school?

Because teachers believe that if you lose them they will be blamed. and most of the time they don't HAVE to answer a call or look at a text. School is for learning not for playing games and running into door frames. :) !!!!!!@E!@$E@#RFDG#@%$#T#$%^#$^#$^%$%^& %^&%^&$*&^&*&^%*^ woogl