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In speaking about American football, the position called quarteback, is the one most often having the responsibility of throwing the football to one of his receiving players. In doing so certainly distance is an important factor but that alone is not sufficient. Accuracy combined with distance can make or break a football play. At the professional football level, a coach can expect the quarterback to be able to throw a football at between 45 to 60 yards with accuracy.

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I've seen a player throwing ¼ of the field. Length.

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Q: How far can you throw a soccer ball?
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In Soccer can you throw the ball into yourself?

Can a soccer player make a throw in and then play the ball? No. Another player, either a teammate or an opponent, must touch the ball first.

When do you throw a soccer ball in soccer games?

Whenever the ball exits the field across a touch line.

When is a throw in awarded?

a throw in, in soccer is awarded when the ball is out of bounds but only on the side lines

How far can a midfielder kick a soccer ball?

As far as he wants

In soccer what is the term used to put the ball in to play from the sidelines?

A throw-in.

What is a throw in soccer?

A team is awarded with a throw-in when an opposing player is the last one to touch the ball before it leaves the field of play. And that is a soccer throw. you have to practice doing it because there are some rules for it.

Who is the only person allowed to touch the ball with ther hands in a soccer game?

The goalie is the only person that can touch the ball during the soccer game unless it is a throw in then the defence can use their hands to throw it in. or the ref

When are the two occasion a soccer player can handle the ball?

#1 - when it's goalie ball #2 - throw in

When the soccer ball goes out of bounds over the sideline what is this called?

The ball has gone "in touch" and the restart is a throw-in.

Does a new or a old soccer ball go farther?

it doesn't matter. a band new soccer ball is as good as an old soccer ball. depending on how much air is in your soccer ball, you'll know how far it will go.

How far can you throw a ping pong ball when there is no wind?

Depends on how fast you throw it... ;)

How far does a soccer player have to be from a player doing a throw in?

over the touchline