helmet, gloves, elbow pads, chest guard, girdle, knees/shins, skates, stick, mouth guard and a cup (they sell female cups as well) of cors they sell female cups duuu
You don't know what a hockey stick looks like!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
It looked like an ordinary hockey puck you would use in an NHL game.
There are photos of women using ice hockey equipment from 1890. The first women's ice hockey games were played in the late 1890s/early1900s.
Field hockey and underwater hockey are the closest.
We say Hockey sur glace (Pronounce Hockey like Okay)
You can't size your equipment, hockey players have different preferences. Some like there equipment smaller for better movement or bigger for more protection.
try goaliemonkey.com and look at the clearence items.
There are a number of stores that sell RBK hockey equipment. These include the official Reebok Hockey store, Hockey Giant, Hockey Monkey and CCM Hockey.
You don't know what a hockey stick looks like!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Equipment would have consisted of a stick - in much the same design as some older sticks, with the traditional wide curve - and a ball; no goalkeepers, shinguards, mouthguards or safety masks back then.
One can find out about ice hockey equipment on the website Wikipedia. There is also a great article on ice hockey and the equipment that is used on the official Olympics website.
ice hockey equipment.
where is turco gold hockey pads
hockey equipment ya dumb...
Here a some links for some great sports hockey euipment www.hockeymonkey.com/ www.hockeygiant.com/ www.playitagainsports.com/equipment/95/hockey http://www.playitagainsports.com/
In hockey, it's a whale