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11.4 inches diameter and the radius was 17

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Q: How did the first basketball ball look like?
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What did the first basketball ever used look like?

The first basketball wasent an auctual basketball it was a soccer ball.

Name some things that look like a sphere?

basketball, soccer ball are some things that look like a sphere.

What do you do when there is a held ball in basketball?

you should have to jump the ball to look for your teammate

What did the first basketball itself look like?

The very, very first basketball was actually a soccer ball. It was used and thrown into a peach basket (instead of a hoop) during gym class many years ago. This is how basketball was started. After that, there was manychanges made to the ball and the basket as well.

Does the Turanza Basketball actually work like it does in the commercial?

No, I found a few selling on ebay. These bridgestone balls are not going into production they are just promotional giveaway's. Anyway if look closely the Turanza basketball in the commercial and the promotional balls they made are completely different. The Turanza basketball looks like a real car tyre ball and the promotional ball looks like a basketball material ball.

What did the first ball look like?

Ancient Egyptians were thought to have played games with a ball-like object. However, the first ball was sold in 1836 by Charles Goodyear.

Do you look at the basketball when you are blocking a shot?

When you are blocking a shot it is critical that you look at the basketball. If you don't then you will not know where the basketball is and you just might hit the person and get a foul. Once you at least smack the ball away then you look where it went and not stare at it but then go after it.

What does static electricity look like?

It look like a ball and it has a small ball inside

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look like a ball

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How did the basketball courts look like once they were invented?

What does a ball look like?

a circle