No, statistics are separated between regular season play and post season play.
Sometimes games that are rained out are not made up if they have no bearing on the final season's standings. That would make it possible to play in 160 or 161 games in a season yet play in every game that the team played for the season.
Going into the 2011 season, Derek Jeter has averaged 207hits per season. This is not a season by season average, being that players do not play in the same amount of games every year. It is based solely on a 162 game average, throughout Derek's career.
There was a strike by the players at the start of the season. The owners, realizing that playing those games would result in paying more money to their players, refused to re-schedule them.
No. A player's statistics will be broken down into regular season and postseason but not preseason. Preseason games are considered practice and a time to find out who will make the team. Many players play in preseason games that don't make the team or would get limited playing time if they do make the team. So preseason statistics do not count towards career totals. Quite frankly, I don't know if any team even keeps historical preseason statistical data.
It means they only play in post season... obvious
There aren't publicly available statistics of the percentage of players who don't use the map.
No. Statistics are kept separate for regular season and postseason play.
No it's single player only.
No because they are not getting paid
College football season normal starts before the NFL season does. College is normally 3 weeks into their season before the pros start.
I don't think there are accurate statistics about that. I play RuneScape, and I am 44 years old. I have met several people who claim to be adults, but I have the impression that at least 90% of the players are children and youth.I don't think there are accurate statistics about that. I play RuneScape, and I am 44 years old. I have met several people who claim to be adults, but I have the impression that at least 90% of the players are children and youth.I don't think there are accurate statistics about that. I play RuneScape, and I am 44 years old. I have met several people who claim to be adults, but I have the impression that at least 90% of the players are children and youth.I don't think there are accurate statistics about that. I play RuneScape, and I am 44 years old. I have met several people who claim to be adults, but I have the impression that at least 90% of the players are children and youth.
Each team has nine players in the field when they are not batting,so at least 18. All the players on the roster could play at some time in the game. The number of players on the roster is 25, I think, during most of the season . It is allowed to be larger early in the season and late in the season .
there are not a set number
There are hundreds of thousands of players, making it very difficult to track statistics on all of them. Some players, specially goalkeepers in less competitive leagues, play into their early 40s.
There was a players strike that wiped out seven games in the 1982 season.