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Ok so i think that it was a girls sport....just a guess!

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Q: Did volleyball start out as a girls sport or a boy's sport?
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Is volleyball the first game for girls?

It is Girls' volleyball. There is a possessive because it's done by girls. When done by boys, it's Boys' or Men's volleyball.

How do you start a intramural volleyball team?

I would ask the local boys and girls club.

What is the most sport played by girls?

I am a girl and i play volleyball, golf, basketball, and gymnastics.

What sports do children in the Netherlands play?

A lot of boys (and girls) play football. Girls do gymnastics, dancing and ballet. Other common sport are: hockey, tennis, volleyball and korfball.

Is boys basketball and girls volleyball the same season?

Not for High School.

What sports can girls do?

girls could do more better sports that boys like tennis and volleyball

Is tennis a boys or girls sport?

I think Girls are better because girls are good at everything!!!!! Tennis is a sport for both boys and girls. All people can play tennis no matter of gender.

Why we wouldn't have unisex sports teams?

I feel the same way you do about this. The girls should be able to play with the boys, and the other way around. I think they have it separated because some sports the boys/girls may be rougher. Though, they made a law that made it a little bit better. Each sport, lets say women's volleyball, they must have a mens' volleyball team too.

Why would there be more boys than girls at sport events?

Because girls can only handle 10% of what boys can

Is cricket a sport for girls?

I guess girls can play but boys normaly play.

Do boys get a better chance at getting a sport scholarship than girls?

In my opinion Boys only have a better chance of getting sport scholarships because boys have a wider variety of choices compared to girls. Though for smarts both boys and girls have an equal chance

When is high school volleyball season?

for girls, during the fall for boys, during the spring