Sandy Koufax and his wife (Anne Widmark) lived in Dedham, Maine in the mid 1970's for a few years
Yes, Sandy Koufax is still alive. He is 77 years old.
Sandy Koufax's email address is Her fans can interact with her directly by sending her an email.
The Los Angeles Dodgers. Sandy Koufax spent his entire career (1955-1966) with the Dodgers.
I think you mean Sandy Koufax. He was born Sanford Braun, his father was Jack Braun. He took his step-fathers (Irving Koufax) last name.
Yes, but he was divorced and remaried. wife 1: was Anne Widmark (divorced) wife 2: Kim...dont know last name.
No he doesn't have any children.
Sandy Koufax is 6' 2".
Sandy Koufax is 6' 2".
Sandy Koufax lived in a time when sexual orientation was not discussed publicly. But we know he was married twice. His first wife was Anne Widmark (the movie star Richard Widmark's daughter), and his second wife's name was Kim. There are no documented rumors about Sandy Koufax being anything other than straight.
Sandy Koufax and his wife (Anne Widmark) lived in Dedham, Maine in the mid 1970's for a few years
Sandy Koufax was born on December 30, 1935.
Sandy Koufax was born on December 30, 1935.
Sandy Koufax was born on December 30, 1935.
Sandy Koufax's birth name is Sanford Braun.
Yes, Sandy Koufax attended the University of Cincinnati
what were the collages that wanted sandy koufax to attend there collage