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No, they didn't. Only men were allowed and thought worthy

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Q: Did married woman attend the ancient Olympic game's?
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Were women permitted to attend ancient olympic games?

women were not permitted to attend the ancient olympic games

Who was allowed to watch the ancient olympic games?

married women and men.

What women was aloud in the real ancient Olympics the ancient olympic games?

No, there was only olympic games for men in ancient olympic history

Did the olympic games start in ancient Egypt?

No, the olympic games started in Ancient Greece

Why wasn't the Olympic games in the ancient Olympics?

it was in ancient olympic

Who wasn't allowed to compete in Ancient Greece Olympics?

Women were not permitted to watch the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Which group of people were not allowed to attend the Olympic games?

Only women were not allowed to attend the Olympic games. I had to do this question for my history homework.

Who were the ancient Olympic games dedicated to?

The Ancient Olympic Games were dedicated to Zeus, the God of Gods.

What is the ancient olympic event?

The Olympic Games.

What is the ancient Olympic event called?

The Olympic Games.

Why were the Olympic games held in ancient?

the olympic games were held for the God Zues.

Did the colseum in Athens have anything to do with ancient Greek olympic games?

In ancient Greece Olympia was the venue for the games which took their name after this city: The Olympic games. They were not in Athens. The modern Olympic Games are different.