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No, they used to be quarters.

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Q: Did college basketball always used halves instead of quarter?
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Has college basketball always been without quarters?

yes it has always been divided into to halves

How far is a college basketball foul shot?

a college basketball foul shot/line is always 15ft fron the center of the hoop

Which is the best women's basketball college?

Connecticut, Tennessee and Stanford are almost always among the very very best.

What if you get cut in grade school basketball game?

You can't play and try and get your grades up to play next quarter, basketball season lies between two grading periods so there is always a chance to get your grades up.

How many halves are in a high school basketball game?

In college basketball there are halves that are 20 minutes long In high school basketball there are quarters that are 8 minutes long In NBA there are quarters that are 12 minutes long

Was Michael Jordan always into basketball?

yes and always will be active in basketball.

When did basketball become netball?

Netball came from basketball so was originally called basketball but over the years the name has changed just like the rules!

Are the dimensions of a high school a college and an NBA basketball court the same?

Girls Basketball always use 28.5 Boys Basketball uses 28.5 up until 7th grade. In 7th grade through NBA ball a 30.1 is used.

How do you tell a s quarter from a quarter?

If it is a "s" quarter it will always have the S mintmark. You can find this mintmark usually on the back of the coin. The exact location will depend on the type of quarter.

Is the NC basketball team the Bobcats the most famous basketball team in NC?

No, not close. The Bobcats are actually pretty "unpopular." The most popular team in North Carolina would be the college basketball team, UNC Tarheels. They consistently win every year and is always a title contender. The North Carolina Tarheels is the most popular team in North Carolina. No, not close. The Bobcats are actually pretty "unpopular." The most popular team in North Carolina would be the college basketball team, UNC Tarheels. They consistently win every year and is always a title contender. The North Carolina Tarheels is the most popular team in North Carolina.

Year slam dunk became illegal?

The slam dunk has never been against the rules, or 'illegal' in the National Basketball Association. However, the NCAA made dunking against the rules in college games from 1967-1976.

Which basketball players have perfect games?

No basketball player has a perfect game. There is always room for improvement.