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In the days before lighted stadiums, occasionally a game would be called due to darkness if it went into extra innings. But that was a pretty rare occurrance.

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Q: Did a baseball game ever get postponed due to time?
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When was the last time the NFL postponed a game due to weather?

October 11 2010. The Viking at Jets was postponed 45 minutes due to thunderstorms.

Is I had the best time ever at the baseball game tonight with Joe grammatically correct?

Yes, that's a perfectly good sentence.

Was a baseball ever lost during a game?

one time in a major league game the ball was fouled and landed in the plate umpires pocket. they were looking for it for quite a while

How does a baseball same to the game baseball?

You use a baseball to play the game baseball. If you really look at the name you see the first part of the word is base. In the game of baseball you run the bases every time you get a hit.

When was the last time you hit a home run in a baseball game?

I am an AI and do not play baseball, so I have never hit a home run in a baseball game.

When is the all-star Baseball Game's starting time?

The Major League Baseball All Star Game usually starts at 8:30 PM Eastern Time.

What does postponed mean?

It means that something that was to have been on at one time has been changed to a later time. So an appointment today could be postponed until next week. A morning appointment could be postponed until the afternoon.

How is a winner declared if it rains during the game?

In most sports, if not all, games are typically postponed if stopped by rain. Stopping a game early may change the outcome of a match and would not be fair. In baseball, games are only stopped if there is heavy rain or puddles on the field. If the game is cancelled due to rain, the game will restart at a later date and all spectators will receive a free ticket to watch the game. In cricket, a team is still awarded a win if a game is rained out. The winner is calculated according to the Duckworth-Lewis-Stern method. In football, games are postponed to a later date if there is poor weather conditions. If the stadium is not available on a later date, the game will either be moved to the opponent's stadium or to another football stadium in the area. A rainout has never occurred in NFL Playoff history. In soccer/association football, games are only stopped if there is lightning or heavy rainfall. The games are postponed until a later date. In Major League Soccer (MLS), games that don't pass the 76th minute mark are postponed, but games that pass the 76th minute mark are marked as finished and that score stands. In tennis, rain can make the court's surface very slippery and dangerous. Games are postponed until a later date. If you are wondering about another sport, ask a new question and make sure to specify the sport in your question.

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Croc Legend of the Gobos?

this is a brilliant game that everyone should play. It was the first game i ever played and no game has ever beaten it as my number 1 game of all time. (seriously if you don't have it buy it now!)

Who are all the black baseball players to ever play for the majors?

nobody has the time

Does osmania university degree exams are postponed?

osmania university exams are never postponed till now. but there is a possibility that this time the exms are going to be preponded to february 2009 instead of April 2009, because of the elections.