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I do not think it is allowed.

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That wee arseh*le karamoko dembele

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Q: Did a Scotsman ever played football for England?
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he became best freinds with jonjo and frimpong and lived happily ever after and then he met emenike and they played football together

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yes he did

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Yes England have played cricket in Scotland.

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England was the first country to play soccer(football) because the sport was created there.

Has the England football team ever had a player-manager?

I doubt if they had one who was both.

Has Rooney ever played for Germany?

No. He has only ever played professionally for Everton, Manchester United and England.

The richest football player that has ever played football?

it has to be david beckam (nottt) haha lol

What was the date of first ever international football match?

In 1872 and it was England vs Scotland