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Yes, and that was a major part of Leninism. Whereas Marx anticipated a revolution of a united force of factory workers, Lenin felt that revolution could best be accomplished by a tight group of professional revolutionaries together with a large following of like-minded people except that they would not be allowed to stage the revolution.

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Q: Did Lenin believe that the Bolsheviks were a displined elite leading the Revolution?
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The Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 saw the Bolsheviks seize the main power base in Russia. They staged an armed insurrection in Petrograd and succeeded in establishing themselves as the new governing power.

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The Bolsheviks believed in organising a party in a centralised and disciplined fashion that sought to overthrow the Tsar through a mass workers' revolution. They believed and succeeded in creating a vanguard party , a mass revolutionary party composed of what they called "the most militant and class conscious " workers capable of leading the masses of Russian workers.

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The revisionist view of the 1917 Revolution through 1933 was that it was not a spontaneous uprising of the masses, but rather a coup led by a small group of Bolshevik leaders. Revisionists argued that the Bolsheviks used violence and coercion to seize power and establish a repressive regime, contrary to the ideals of a popular revolution. Furthermore, they claimed that the Bolsheviks' policies exacerbated social and economic problems, leading to widespread suffering and discontent among the population.

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