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Did Hank Aaron ever sign Baseball Henry Aaron?

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12y ago

Send it to the stadium and self address envelope 3+ months return att hank aaron

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Q: Did Hank Aaron sign his baseballs as Henry Aaron?
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How many baseballs did Hanks Aaron sign?

2 many

How much is Hank Aaron baseball jersey sign worth?

Hank Aaron signed jerseyA Hank Aaron signed jersey is worth between $150.00 - $375.00 Value will vary based on the type of jersey and if it is signed on the front or back, away or home Jersey. The better the quality of the jersey the higher collectors value it will have. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less

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There is no way of knowing the Answer to this question.

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in the pocket under the seam. he is contracted with locker room memorabilia not to sign the sweet spot

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Why did Hank Aaron sign his signature on a 1958 ball with a different capital A?

I recently came across a 1957 team ball with the same signature... I was going to buy it but I was a little hesitant as I've never seen this variation before. Does anybody have any info on this?

Do the Yankees autograph baseballs?

Of course, most baseball players will sign anything for a fan at the right moment.

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Where is the best place to buy 8x10 photos and baseballs to get signed for Spring Training or MLB games?

You can buy photos at any sports memorabilia store and baseballs at any store that sells sporting goods. I get baseballs at Wal Mart and have players sign them at Red Sox Spring Training.

What becomes of baseballs removed from major league games?

the managers get the team to sign them or a certain player then sell them, i would think.

Does the commissioner of baseball sign all baseballs?

No, it is a fake copy of his actual signature. The commissoner's name is Allan "Bud" Selig.