No, he did not. Dwayne Wade won his NBA title with the Miami Heat in the 2005-06 season. He was a rookie in the 2003-04 season.
Dwyane Wade
Pat Riley, Los Angeles Lakers, in 1982
Dwayne Wade of the Miami Heat.
At the age of 31, Fabricio Oberto holds the record for oldest rookie in the NBA. Oberto played for the San Antonio Spurs.
Dwayne Wade
Dwayne Wade
dwayne wade in lebron james
Dwayne Wade
Dwayne Wade.
Dwayne Wade is the cover.
Dwayne Wade
Dwayne wade
in 2011 it is Dwayne wade and lebron james
Dwyane Wade entered the league as the fifth pick in the 2003 NBA Draft, Wade was named to the All-Rookie team and the All-Star team the following seven seasons.
Dwayne Wade Worked Hard in School and He practiced Playing Basketball.
Dwayne Wade has never won an NBA Most Valuable Player award although he was voted MVP of the NBA finals in 2006.