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Stalin and Lenin policies are believe to be quite similar. They are both communistic in structure, and aim to illuminate theocratic traditions. Socialism interested them. However in difference Stalin thought it best to start with western strategy. He also believe that the government should control all matters concerning the economy advancement.

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Q: Compare Stalin and lenin economic policy?
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Who reversed Lenin's New Economic Policy and started Five-Year Plans?

Joseph Stalin reversed Lenin's New Economic Policy and instituted the Five Year Plans.Joseph Stalin began the Five-Year Plans.

What economic policy did Stalin take from Lenin?

Stalin scrapped Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP) in favor of his own Five Year Plans. Stalin and other hardline Marxist/Communists felt that Lenin's NEP was a retreat from the move from capitalism to socialism and were angered over it. The NEP was kept in place by Stalin and his co-rulers after Lenin's death until 1929 when Stalin had eliminated his opposition and became the sole power in the Soviet Union. That is when he replaced the NEP with his own program for economic recovery.

When did Lenin's NEP or New Economic Policy end?

After the conflict over his succession ended with Stalin taking over.

Which policy aimed to rebuild the Soviet economy?

Vladimir Lenin's New Economic Policy was one that was specifically intended to rebuild the Soviet Economy after years of Lenin's "war communism" had brought the country's economic production below the levels at the end of the Tsarist regime. Another policy was Joseph Stalin's Five Year Plans.

What did Lenin call his economic program?

The New Economic Policy

How did Stalin's Five -Year plans differ from lenin's New Economic Policy?

Stalin instituted the Five-Year Plans in order to quickly generate capital for, and ensure the Soviet Unionâ??s economic strength in case of, another World War. One of Stalinâ??s signature moves was to reinstate state control of the farming system which had been decentralized under Leninâ??s New Economic Policy. Stalin also wished to return the Soviet economy to the policy of Bolshevism, or a nationalized, communist economy which had been eroded under Lenin's NEP.

How did Lenin's New Economic Policy differ from Stalin's Five-Year Plans?

Stalin instituted the Five-Year Plans in order to quickly generate capital for, and ensure the Soviet Unionâ??s economic strength in case of, another World War. One of Stalinâ??s signature moves was to reinstate state control of the farming system which had been decentralized under Leninâ??s New Economic Policy. Stalin also wished to return the Soviet economy to the policy of Bolshevism, or a nationalized, communist economy which had been eroded under Lenin's NEP.

What was the name of Lenin's plan to rebuild the Russian economy?

Lenin's plan was called the New Economic Policy. It reintroduced some aspects of capitalism into the socialist system Lenin had imposed on the country.

What is true Lenin was succeeded by Stalin or Stalin was succeeded by Lenin?

I think Lenin was succeeded by Stalin.

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Who was the leader who oversaw the New Economic Policy in the Soviet Union?

Lenin instituted the New Economic Policy.

Who initiated the First Five-Year Plan?

Joseph Stalin initiated the first Five Year Plan in 1928. At the same time he scrapped Vladimir Lenin's New Economic Policy. Stalin went on to institute additional such plans.