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Q: Can a player be called out for slidding into home hands first?
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slidding down a rope for 3 mins

When a player contact the ball below their waist with their hands connected it is called?

it is called an over hand

What is the only position called that allows the player to use their hands in soccer?

GoalKeeper (Goalie)

What is the only position called that allows the player to use their hands?

The goalie if it's soccer

Samsung propel or Pantech matrix?

It depends. i have the matrix because i like the dual slidding feature and i love the full keyboard, but my brother has the propel and he likes it better because of how the keyboard is layed out (he has giant hands...) and how the screen is(what???). I guess its just the kind of person you are....

Who was the first basketball player to ever clap his hands using chalk?

LeBron James

If a player carries the ball in their hands for more than 2 strides what is this called?

If the basketball is carried in your hands for more than 2 strides is called a "travel" because you are traveling the ball from one position to the next.

What is A bunch of these is called a hand?

A bunch of what is called a hand? Hands are typically used to refer to the set of playing cards held by a player in a game.

When a blackjack player's first card is a ten what percentage of hands will he win?

The correct answer is 50/ the math

What are the rules for playing Pai Gow Poker?

There are three rules to play Pai Gow Poker. The first rule is if a player wins both hands the dealer must pay out the amount staked out by the player. The second rule is if the player wins one hand and the dealer wins the other no money changes hands. The third rule is if the dealer wins both hands the dealer wins the player's stake.

What is a cartwheel called with no hands?

a cartwheel with no hands is... A SIDE AERIAL.

What are duck hands called?

Ducks hands are called Webbed feet pooo!!