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No. With the exception of Michael Jordan. Most point guards have the ball the majority of the time and therefore are more important. Just look at where the top notch (Chris Paul) guards are taken in the draft.

I would say very close. Obviously, a team needs a point guard to run it. However, a team cannot survive without a main scorer, usually a shooting guard. For instance, how would the Sacramento Kings be without Kevin Martin? Not that great. Same goes for the Lakers and Kobe Bryant- they can't win without him. That's not saying point guards aren't important- they are needed very much. It's just a matter of what your team needs. If your teams shooting guard is unbelievable and can handle the ball, and the shooting guard is more important. If your team already has a decent shooting guard but has a phenomenal point guard, then the point guard is more important.

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Q: Are shooting guards just as important as point guards?
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A shooting guards main responsibility is to take good shots, especially three pointers and important shots. To become a point guard you must have good dribbling and passing skills, and be able to drive well. this is not me umm. you dont being the shooting guard is the most important. i personally take over the point guard position when beeing asked by coach. shooting guard is his/her own and the point guard put in one. just you dont realize it yet.

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How the hec do i no im the 1 who asked the question

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A team can have as many guards as they want. However, most teams aren't that dumb. Most teams have 2 of each position: point guard, shooting guard, power forward, small forward, and center. After that, a team usually has one more of each but that isn't alwasy the case. Usually, since a point guard and shooting guard are both considered guards, a team will have 4-7 guards.In the NBA there are usually 2 players listed as guards on the court at any one time, although there are no restrictions by rule (all 5 players could be listed as guards or none could be guards)In the NCAA many teams regularly use 3 guards, and some schools even use a 4 guard offense. This typically happens at smaller schools were it is difficult to attract talented larger players.

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The plural of guard is guards. As in "the dog closely guards the cookie she just stole".

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No they do not. You just have to believe in your self and kind of have fun with your shooting.

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just a lot of practice. work on your speed and ball handling and outside shooting and youll be set to go.

How do you get pass the guards on Pokemon LeafGreen?

you just fight them

What are the positions on a basketbal team?

Well There Is Point Guard 2 Guards and 2 Wing Players Who Play by The # point line on each side but it really depends on what plays you run but there is only 5 people aloud on the court so... It just depends