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absloutley. they are way better unless a sewing b is a competitive sport

no. well, not all the time. there are some sports that a man is better at than a woman, but then again, i doubt that men could do some of the stuff us women do.

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16y ago

Generally yes....but it depends on the sport

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Q: Are men better at sports than women?
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Which gender is better at sports?

One opinion: Men are better than women at some sports and women are better than men at some sports! Another opinion: If you take the best men in the world at sports and the best women at sports, men are better. Look at the Olympics. The highscore for men is always higher. Another opinion: Females are faster at running and more flexible than most of the male population.

Why is men sport airtime on TV more then woman sport airtime?

this is because men are better than women ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sports that are shown on TV are driven primarily but the number of people that watch them and by who watches them. This information is used by the TV stations so they can know how much money to charge the advertisers for commercials. It is known that more men watch sports than do women. And it is known that men watch more men's sports than women's sports, therefore, a men's sporting event usually will have more viewers than a women's sporting event. And if there are more people watching that means the TV stations can charge more money for the commercials. So that is why you see more men's sports than women's sports on TV. It has nothing to do with whether men or women are better. Anybody that has watched women's sports knows that the level of competition and drama is just as good as men's sports.

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Women are better than men.

Why are women not good on sports?

Women are good on sports. The point is that men have 10 times more testosterone than hers. So, sports practiced by women must be completely separated than those practiced by men.

Do men think that they are better than women?

Most men are chauvinistic and therefore think that they are better than the women.

Can men drive better than women?

honest speaking, men can drive better then women.

Can men read smaller print than women and women hear better than men?

Hell yea you bet. Men are better at anything!

Why are men sports more supported than woman sports?

because men think that men are better at sports when in realility they are just as good

Are men better than women in computer science?

Yes men are better this is because men are naturally better at everything when compared to women

Do men cope with dehydration better than women?

Yes, men cope better with dehydration as compared to women.

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No men are more short tempered and willful than women