

Are Canadians the best at hockey?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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12y ago

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yes we are im a canadain myself and were the best at hockey enough said

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12y ago
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Q: Are Canadians the best at hockey?
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Canadians invented ice hockey because of canada's long winter canadians made a sport out of it

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CANADA! its in there blood hockey was invented by canadians

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Why are Canadians so good at hockey?

they aren't

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well canadians created hockey so they are usually better

What do Canadians do all day?

play more hockey...and lastly relax from the day with a little hockey

Are the Canadians really good at hockey?

Hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are acually the best hockey team ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go habs go!!!!!!! suck my balls go canes idiot. the best are some canaidons but mostly USA