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in the ancient Olympics only free born males were allowed to attend

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Q: 12 In the ancient games who was allowed to attend the Olympics?
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Related questions

Who wasn't allowed to compete in Ancient Greece Olympics?

Women were not permitted to watch the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Were women allowed at the Olympics?

Women were not allowed to compete personally. Married women were not allowed to attend the games because of a penalty of death, although maidens were allowed to attend.

What was the penalty for woman who attend the Ancient Olympics as spectators?

They would be killed ... but it's extremely unlikely that a woman could compete because they would play the Olympics naked, so that it was clear that all the athletes were men. Unmarried women were allowed to attend the games, since the Olympics were thought to be a good place for them to meet their future husbands. Married women were not allowed to attend, under penalty of death.

What was the ancient Olympics festive held for women?

The women weren't allowed to participate in the ancient Olympic games.

What events do women take part in the ancient G reek Olympics?

None. Women were forbidden to attend the games let alone take part. However, there were the Heraean Games in which women and only women were able to compete.

Three ways that the ancient Olympics are different from the modern Games?

women were not allowed to watch it.

Are girls allowed in the Olympics?

Only married women were not allowed to attend the games, it was punishable by death for a married woman to enter the Olympic arena. It was believed that it would upset the god Zeus for a married woman to watch the nude athletes.

Who were allowed to watch the ancient Olympics?

Only men and unmarried women were allowed to watch the games. It was punishable by death for a married woman to watch the games.

What did women in the ancient Olympics wear?

Women were not only not allowed to compete but also were not allowed to watch the games as the competotors were nude.

How old were boys when they were allowed to compete in the ancient Olympics?

The minimum age for participation in the games is estimated at 12 years.

Were women permitted to attend ancient olympic games?

women were not permitted to attend the ancient olympic games

Were the women allowed to compete in the ANCIENT Olympic games?

Participation was limited to men in ancient Olympics initially. However, by 6th century BC women were allowed to participate in events like foot racing.