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Lactic acid is produced when muscles in the body move at high rates and over long periods of time. So, even with swimming, you move your arms and legs a lot to gain speed, and this causes the acid to form. In reality, this acid is another type of acid, however it combines with oxygen to form Lactic Acid.

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Q: Why do sports such as swimming and running use the lactic acid system?
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What sport use the lactic acid system?

Swimming, running, and basketball use the lactic acid system.

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How does rugby use the lactic acid system?

Every sport uses the lactic acid system. Lactic acid is the fluid that builds up in your body after a workout. Build-up of lactic acid isn't harmful, but it is the fluid that makes your body sore/tired after a workout. A good, quality cool down will prevent some of this soreness. Try slow jogging, walking, or stretching after your workout.

What energy system produces lactic acid?

The anaerobic energy system produces lactic acid. This system is used for high-intensity activities where the body cannot supply enough oxygen to the muscles. Lactic acid is produced as a byproduct when glucose is broken down for energy without the presence of oxygen.

What is the limiting factor of anaerobic lactic energy system?

The limiting factor of the anaerobic lactic energy system is the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. As the intensity of exercise increases, the body produces lactic acid faster than it can be cleared, leading to muscle fatigue and a decrease in performance.

Is it true that lactic energy system is used for fast short sprints?

Yes, the lactic energy system is used for the fast short sprints.

Which team game uses the lactic acid system?

Most team games use the lactic acid system. However, this is more common in Invasion games.

Should your pool filte be on when swimming?

yes running the filter while swimming helps the filtration process. Also if the pool is saltwater then the system will replace chlorine being used while bathing.

What are ways you can keep your Cardiovascular system healthy?

Running Swimming (better for joints) Fish Oil And Just basic heathly living