

Best Answer
  • Well, that question brings a few other important questions to the table and I'm not so sure it can be answered with a simple yes or no. There are many myths that are both misleading and most are downright untrue.
  • FACT: to date. not 1 death has been directly caused by anabolic steroid abuse in the medical community.
  • FACT: Anabolic steroids did not even make the top 100 list of the harmful drug "classificiations". They were at 144 in the mid 1990's. So analyze that statement closely, not the 144 most dangerous drug , the most dangerous drug classification. Daily multivitamins, childrens vitamins and even aspirin were in the top 50.
  • FACT: Lyle Alzado DID NOT die of a steroid related death. The coroner made a very clear statement saying he seen no link between the anabolic steroid use and Mr. Alzado's brain tumor.
  • FACT: Marijuana, cigarettes, alcohol and even aspirin are far more toxic that anabolic steroids.
  • FACT: Anabolic steroids work, and they certainly serve a medical purpose.
  • Myth: it will shrink your penis (in fact quite the opposite is true), it does temperarily shrink your testicles.
  • Here's a thought, every pro level bodybuilder takes 1000's of milligrams a week of anabolic steroids for decades on end. Where are the dead bodies?
  • Yes, steroids should be legal. It's a matter of personal choice just as choosing to smoke cigarettes or eating a cheeseburger. Most of the adverse health claims made by some organizations have absolutely no clinical evidence to back any of their claims. Anabolic androgenic steroids greatly improve the lives of people with muscle wasting diseases because they improve a person's human body, not the opposite. When made illegal in 1993, the American Medical Association, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Food and Drug Administration ALL OPPOSED making steroids an illegal schedule 3 controlled substance. When made illegal in 1993, the American Medical Association, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Food and Drug Administration ALL OPPOSED making steroids an illegal schedule 3 controlled substance. Remember that steroids are produced from male hormones, just as Birth Control are made from female hormones. They should be legal.
  • Some steroids are legal and some steroids are not legal. Generally the steroids which has a side effect is not legal steroid because generally it is harmful. And some steroids which is really effects good on the body is legal steroids.They need to make weed legal too(just a thought).
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14y ago
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15y ago

== == * Steroids should be legal because until 1993 they were legal. The negative side effects when used responsibly are minimal and the extreme health risks that have been claimed are not backed by any evidence. * It all comes down to personal choice. * Whether or not they are dangerous is completely irrelevant. Sky diving is danerous, smoking cigarettes is dangerous, eating Twinkies is dangerous. * I totally agree with that, I have used once and I loved it. Ofcourse I researched everything and I used with caution but wow the results were amazing and I just felt so awesome. I am 20 years old and I live in New York. Trying to find someone who sells juice is extremely hard and getting it off the internet is nearly impossible because of all the scammers and god knows what they really send you. I really think Anabolic Steroids should be made legal, I dont see the big thing about them. People over dose on Advil, over the counter drugs, liqour, I mean come on. Lets look at the big picture, I know many guys that are older that go to their doctor and get shots of testosterone because there levels are dropping. MAKE THEM LEGAL.... * Steroids should be legal if it is helpful to the person. Sometimes one feels that steroids should be illegal and sometimes they think that steroids should be legal. That kind of thought comes to one's mind when he/she develops the muscle. But that is their own mentality. We know that sometimes steroids are helpful and sometime it has a side effect too. But someone who wants to use steroid should know and think about steroids advantage and disadvantage. for an example stacklabs's sells steroids which are legal and has no side effects.

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15y ago

ANSWER-NO. They should not be banned. If you actually do some real research, you will find that the Center for Disease Control has listed Aspirn and ibuprofen as more dangerous to the population in terms of actual cases of harm. And the FDC has always been AGAINST the illegal standing of steroids! DO SOME RESEARCH. No one has ever died from steroids. Steroids should be banned. They damage the athletes health and also set a bad example for younger generations. What do you mean by banned? Banned in sports? Well let the sports organization decide. Banned in society, as in illegal? Hell no. Just as people are allowed to take chances with alcohol, tobbaco, skydiving, aspirin, saturated fat, and going hunting, so too should they be allowed to take chances with steroids. No way guys....steroids should be made legal....there is no bold evidence that steroids cause death or extreme harm to the body.....cigarettes are legal, liqour, come on man I can go on and on and on about other legal things that harm us....on cigarette boxes they tell you they cause cancer....WISE UP GUYS

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15y ago

Steroids give athletes an unatural edge to the game. The point of sports is to show which person, not which combination of drugs and money is better at a specific game. They also have horrible side effects. If you outlaw steroids, athletes won't feel the need to take them to become better at their profession and you can save them problems like testicular cancer Steriords should not be allowed in sports because most steroids give you more energy and they help bulk up muscles during workouts, making you better at the sport.

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13y ago

No, steroids can be illegal in certain places as well, for example steroids aren't allowed in most countries without a prescription and in many countries and cities steroid are just illegal because they cause alot of problems to the user like harmful changes in cholestrial, acne, high blood pressure, liver damage, and stuctual damage to the heart causin death to the consumer.

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18y ago

No. Steroids shouldn't be legalized because they are detromental to your health and they are one of the biggest ways of cheating.

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14y ago

yes, they should be consumed like cereal. everything would be a lot more interesting.

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15y ago

yes athletes should be allowed to use steriods

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