Contrary to what many may think, the effect cannabis would have on your cardiovascular system and athletic abilities is minimal. Although some negative effects through the inhalation of smoke on a regular basis would lessen your ability to breath as efficient as you could without smoking there are many ways to ingest cannabis without smoke e.g. vaporizer, edibles. The major contributing factor to cannabis use and failing athletic prowess is not due to the drug itself but the sedentary lifestyle a typical pothead would lead. Much like the beer belly notion, it isn't the beer that gives you the belly it just so happens that the average suds guzzler would likely indulge himself with other less than healthy foods. Therefore if you would like to recreational get high there is not any more danger than eating mc donalds as long as it is coupled with an active lifestyle as well. no nutritionist, doctor, trainer would let you eat a Big Mac twice a day and sit on your couch watching The Wiggles and say it would be any more detrimental than the use of cannabis. Physical aspects aside cannabis will show up on virtually every drug test a serious athlete will take so keep that in mind.
The effects of cannabis
Marijuana decreases lung capacity.
Making it Harder to take deep full breathes.
This is reversible with lots of practice.
Cigarettes damage the lungs.
Same deal, only there is no going back. There is permanent damage.
Alcohol depends on the last time they drank. If the alcohol is still in the system, it thins the blood. Deprives the body of oxygen. The heart needs to pump harder and faster to supply blood and oxygen to the body, even if the person was just sitting on the couch. Alcohol also kills liver cells, and brain cells. Drinking on weekends shrinks the hippocampus of the brain (responsible for memory) by 20%.
I think this is a weed smoker asking? ;P it can slow down some brain functions, so if you play Rugby, you're all good
diet will surely affect sports performer. One must keep the body healthy ,so that he can carry out sports without any weakness.
Sports Performer Awards was created in 2007.
A TAS Sports Performer is an individual who enjoys and performs sports such as Football, Rugby, Cricket, Badminton.
if it is baseball and ethe pitcher his stressed. he is most likely going to pitch a ball instead of a strike.
If you want to stay in shape heck ya u want to be physically active every day for about 2 hours if you are a sports athlete to keep in shape.
In small doses, alcohol can increase performance slightly. However, beyond that it begins to have intoxicating effects and these dramatically reduce performance.
cannabis effect the environment because forests have to be cut down for plantations xD
it can affect the way they play because they might be thinking about it the whole time. But it could also make them play better if they are mad and take it out in the game which isn't a bad thing
the stressful ones
In small doses, alcohol can increase performance slightly. However, beyond that it begins to have intoxicating effects and these dramatically reduce performance.
Yes. It enhances spirituality.