No. Not at all. It is a wrong myth. Arnold Schwarzenegger started lifting weights when he was 14 yrs old. Do you think he is small?
The duration of Stay Hungry is 1.7 hours.
Stay Hungry was created on 1976-04-23.
The song "Stay Hungry" was written and composed by the metal band, Twisted Sister, on their album called "Stay Hungry". It was released in 1984, and was re-released in 2004.
Hercules in New York, The Long Goodbye, Happy Anniversary and Goodbye, Stay Hungry, and The Villain, he also had a couple TV show roles in there, but listed are the movies.
The cast of Stay Hungry - 1987 includes: Alexis Damianos Ifigeneia Makati Kostas Triandafyllidis
stay hungry= don't be too easily satisfied or grow too comfortable. stay foolish= always look for new things, never think that you know everything
it depends how long you leave them for
When you're hungry an the next proper meal is too far away to stay hungry until then.
Fat keeps the body from being hungry because once you store heavy food in your system it stays in there and you'll get hungry later on but you won't stay hungry at that moment.
Imagination, although you will probably stay hungry.
is a star in a sky and stay across the central