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Its highly possible ive heard im in the same boat :(

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Q: You have sore nipples and a white discharge does this mean im pregnant?
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Does white creamish discharge by the 30th day mean you are not pregnant?

No. Getting your period means you are not pregnant.

Is it take time to get pregnant if you have a white discharge problem?

I'm not sure what you mean by "problem" but typically cervical discharge during ovulation has an "egg-white" consistency.

What does it mean when you squeeze your nipples and clear liquid comes out?

if it is clear its normal. if its white and milky its abnormal unless of course you are pregnant

Flu like symptoms and sore nipples does that mean im pregnant?

When I got pregnant I had sore nipples but no flu like symptoms. Now I have the flu/cold and my nipples are sore (im not pregnant).

If a female cat has nipples is she pregnant?

no, it doesnt mean she is pregnant. A male and female cats both have nipples. The females use theirs if they ever get pregnant. It is a storage area for milk for when she is pregnant.

Can this discharge mean you are pregnant?

If you have normal menstruation you cannot be pregnant.

Does white vaginal discharge mean pregnancy?

No. It can be a symptom experienced in pregnancy, but it does not indicate pregnancy. If you are having excessive discharge, call or see a doctor, it could be harmless, or it could be something a bit more serious that can only be taken care of medically.

What does it mean when the top of your nipples turn brown?

U pregnant

If you have a discharge does it mean you are pregnant?

Not necessarily. Many women have a discharge, pregnant or not. See the Related Link for symptoms of pregnancy.

Are you pregnant iv got yellow white discharge?

Maybe no, because it could mean an infection. see ur doctor ASAP.

If you have sore nipples that are red can you be pregnant?

You could be, in the sense that it doesn't definitively mean you're not pregnant.