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it probaly is normal

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Q: You are two days late you have a bit of period pain but no period also sore breasts is this normal?
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Your period it was light the normal 5 days and your breasts are reddish and itch could you be pregnant?

Possibly. Take a test

Your period was the normal 5 days but it was lighter then normal and your breast itchy and red could you be pregnant?

When in doubt, take a pregnancy test. Usually the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period and sore breasts.

Is it normal to have your period for 8 days while your on the shot?

It is normal to have your period for eight days but only if it is normal - spotting.

I started my last period on the 20th of Dec and it lasted the normal 5 days but my breasts have still been really sore.What is going on?

you are becoming pregnant. Congratulations.

Is it normal for a woman to have a period more than 7 days?

Yes, it is normal to have a period more than 7 days. In fact, a period of up to 8 days is considered normal.

Is it possible to have Swollen breasts just 18 days into cycle?

you should not have swollen breasts when you get your period, if they feel like they are getting bigger, this is a sign of being pregnant. Your nipples will also get darker in color and your breasts will be tender to the touch.

Your breasts are swollen and tender can that be a symtom for my period?

Yes. The same things happens with my girlfriend. Her breasts become very sensitive a few days before her period.

If my breast are sore and some cramping but 11 days away before period comes. I'm on a 27 day cycle.?

Sore breasts and cramping are normal at this stage in your cycle. You are probably ovulating or have just ovulated and this often causes sore breasts and cramping. If you miss your period, take a test

Do breasts grow during your period?

Well they dont grow exactly they just tempareraly expand but they tend to go back to normal after a couple of days

2 Weeks before your period started your breasts was swollen and tender When your period started they went back to normal you only had your period for 3 days when its normally 7 days?

If there is any chance that you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test, just to be on the safe side. However, it is probably just that you had a shorter period than normal, for no explained reason. If it happens again, go and see your doctor

Is it normal to have discharge after you've had your period?

Yes, It's normal to have an ocassional spot of blood sometimes two days after your peiriod, clear is also normal.

I had light bleeding for 4 days then had normal period on day 5 my nx period was really painfull what does this mean?

Your period actually started on the first 4 days and the pain was probably cramps. For many women this is normal. My guess is that you may also have PMS a week or so before your period and a few days after. If you have headaches, backaches, food cravings, swelling, sore breasts this is PMS. You can help yourself by watching sugar and caffeine intake in or around this time, take B6, and get some excerise. Over the counter pills for periods can also help and when the cramps start drink hot tea and put a heating pad on your lower back.