you should not have swollen breasts when you get your period, if they feel like they are getting bigger, this is a sign of being pregnant. Your nipples will also get darker in color and your breasts will be tender to the touch.
Yes! I knew right away because of that.
Yes. The same things happens with my girlfriend. Her breasts become very sensitive a few days before her period.
It is possible. I suggest you take a test. Your first sings will be a missed period, swollen tender breasts, weight gain, morning sickness etc.
Dear Reader; It means you need to see your health care provider about a possible pregnancy and what is going on with your breast unless you meant to say breasts. Dwight my breasts swollen, same like having a pms, i just had my period.
Missed period, swollen and/or tender breasts, morning sickness are going to be the most obvious signs.
If you have a long cycle like 32 days you could.
No, it is not possible. The menstruation cycle does not complete itself that quickly.
Sore breasts and cramping are normal at this stage in your cycle. You are probably ovulating or have just ovulated and this often causes sore breasts and cramping. If you miss your period, take a test
This depends on the length of your cycle. If you have a shorter cycle (less than 27 days) this is possible.
A typical menstrual cycle is around 28 days, but it can range from 21 to 35 days. Each menstrual cycle includes the shedding of the uterine lining and the release of an egg for possible fertilization.
Technically no, but it depends on when you ovulate - sperm can last in the uterus for up to 5 days, and if you ovulate very early in your cycle, then it is technically possible to fall pregnant. But highly unlikely. Average cycle is 28 days long, the first day of your period is the first day of your cycle, so if your period is 5 days long and you have sex on the last day of you period, the sperm can live until day 12 of your cycle. Most women with a 28-day cycle will ovulate on day 14 of their cycle, so you can see how it could be possible to fall pregnant during your period. You usually ovulate 14 days before the start of your new period.