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Do you have PMS?

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Q: Why are your nipples tender at age 52?
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I have pelvic pain and my nipples are very tender Why?


Sore nipples no period at all?

what causes your nipples to be sore and tender and you aren't on your period? Thank you

How do you relieve tender breasts and nipples not pregnant?

Massage them this relieves the tenderness temporarily

Is a symptom of being pregnant is tender nipples?

Yes.Tender breasts and nipples is one of the first signs of pregnancy many women notice after they conceive.

How early into pregnancy do you get tender nipples?

This is different for everyone but mine started right away.

What causes tender nipples?

Tender nipples are caused by infrequent orgasms. This can be solved by masturbation or sex. If this is difficult, use sites such as Chatroulette for stimulus.

Your nipples are quite tender they are worse later at night Does this mean you are pregnant?

dat s0 hawt

Are you pregnant if you have swollen nipples tender breast and crampy?

Possibly. Take a pregnancy test to be sure.

Had 2 periods 1 week apart then a week later having cramps and tender nipples?

Go to the doctor. The cramps and tender nipples sounds like PMS or something similar. Actually you may have only had one period and just think it is two.

What does it mean if your nipples?

If your nipples hurt or you have tender breasts it just means that your boobs are growing and you are getting ready to start your period or have your next period, in other words it is perfectly normal.

Do nipples shrink with age?

Yes they do

Can sucking cause bleeding nipple?

Probably not--but keep in mind you're not supposed to "hoover" it--nipples are a tender area.